
Saturday, 10 April 2010


Hi everyone I have been given a blog award from  Sammay   and  Tracey and until I can work out how to put it into my sidebar I'm gonna post it here :)

Update, as you can see my blog decided to play nicely and I now have my award in the sidebar :)

So it is with many thanks to Sam & Tracey that I have got my very first award, thank you ((hugs))
Blessings Jay x


shirley Gaskin said...

congratulations Jay, love from Shirley

Abbie said...

Hi Jay, Congratulation xx

Charis said...

Congratulations!!!! Go to 'Layout' click 'Add a Gadget' pop-up window will appear (if you're laptop lets it!!!!) click on the plus sign by 'Picture' & copy & paste it in to the body of the box that appears (not the title). Love you xox