Get you!,haven't called by for a while,been having a few computer hitches, and you've gone all up market,WOW! love the slide show! too advanced for me to, won't leave it so long before I call back again x
Hello everyone, I'm Jay & live in beautiful Norfolk.
I am new to blogging so have no idea really what I am doing ~ so at the moment, it's mostly trial & error :)
My daughter has encouraged me to do this...I think she think's it will keep me out of mischief lol
oooohhh aren't we getting all technical! ;) I love the little girl card x
Get you!,haven't called by for a while,been having a few computer hitches, and you've gone all up market,WOW! love the slide show! too advanced for me to, won't leave it so long before I call back again x
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