Well this is the first entry to my blog, so forgive me if it seems a bit topsy turvy, as I really haven't got a clue what I am doing.
I've just had a lovely relaxing weekend with my daughter who has visited from Oxford, so obviously I don't get to see her that often but it's been really great, she's been showing me all sorts of unphathomable
is there such a word things to do with blogging, isn't techonology wonderful ~
sarcastic note appearing from nowhere lol.
I am hoping to add photo's of my cards, atc's and anything else that takes my fancy as I go along my merry way, so here's to a new experience and I hope you will enjoy and join me along my new paths journey.
Here's a few cards I made earlier lol...I've always wanted to say that :)
Righty I'm off now to look at other blogs to see what I should really be doing...
Blessings Jay x